Alchemical Essences According to Paracelsus...

Argentum Potabile - Silver Essence

Alchemical Essences According to Paracelsus

We were eager to include these two essences in our program because we consider them to be very important tools for the profound transformative times in which we find ourselves.

Aurum Potabile - Gold Essence

The Gold Essence "Aurum Potabile," the famous "Drinking Gold of the Alchemists" and legendary elixir of life, is produced according to ancient recipes from renowned alchemists such as Paracelsus and Isaac Hollandus.
The Gold Essence imparts the life forces of the male primal principle, the Sun. Its themes include energy, invigoration, vitality, healing, activation, creative power, self-awareness, organizational strength, and self-empowerment.
History of "Aurum Potabile":
True tales of wonder told by Paracelsus and other alchemists in the Middle Ages speak of this Gold Essence. However, knowledge of the correct alchemical preparation was lost and only rediscovered in 1999. Paracelsus raved about a "purification of all fluids" through the essence, stating, "Among all elixirs, gold is the highest and the most important for us (...) Gold can keep the body unbreakable (...) Drinkable gold...renews and restores." (in: Sämtliche Werke, ed. B. Aschner, 1930, Vol. III)
According to esoteric traditions, "Drinking Gold" is believed to have a strong positive influence on consciousness and its development. It activates the three most important energetic centers of the organism—root, heart, and crown chakras—according to alchemical and esoteric principles. Just as, according to alchemical-esoteric belief, "dark lead" is transformed into "light gold," so too can humans "illuminate" themselves with its help.
Aurum Potabile has nothing to do with homeopathic gold preparations, gold salts, or colloidal gold. Due to its complex manufacturing process, it is considered a traditional alchemical essence in the seventh and highest grade.

Argentum Potabile - Silver Essence

The Silver Essence "Argentum Potabile" is based on ancient recipes from Paracelsus and was used as a kind of elixir of life. As a high alchemical essence of silver, it imparts the life forces of the female primal principle, the Moon. According to ancient signatures doctrine, Moon-related themes include rhythm, regeneration, growth, receptivity, fertility, reproduction, soothing, inner contemplation, and, generally, all natural processes of building and growth.
Influence of the Silver Essence: The Silver Essence is associated with the sexual chakra, the Moon (and Monday). Energetically, it regulates the rhythmic processes and water-element energies associated with the Moon in the organism, exerting a calming and harmonizing effect on excessive energy states. Additionally, it enhances charisma, attractiveness, and capacity for devotion, refines sensitivity, and stimulates dreaming.
The Silver Essence is typically used as a single essence in the evening, as calming energies align with the natural daily rhythm, and calming during daytime activities may not always be desired. It is also suitable for joint use with the "male," activating Gold, the "Aurum Potabile" (preferably in the morning).
Argentum Potabile has nothing to do with colloidal silver, homeopathic silver preparations, or silver salts. Due to its complex manufacturing process, it is considered a traditional alchemical essence in the seventh and highest grade, a so-called "High Arcanum." In the production of this essence, natural silver compounds are liquefied in a secret manner using the powerful solvents of alchemy, known as the "Secret Fire" such as the "Philosophical Mercury." The solution is then worked on, distilled, and energetically charged for many weeks. The finished elixir contains the "soul," "spirit," and "purified physical body" of the metals as a high Arcanum, in short, their entire effective essence.

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