Kammaeleon is a company from Germany that...

Own incense cones made in Germany

Kammaeleon is a company from Germany that offers natural incense cones and incense sticks. The company relies on natural and sustainable ingredients and does not use synthetic additives.

The ingredients for Kammaeleon incense cones are carefully selected and come from different countries around the world. The incense cones are made in Germany and are handmade

and available in 26 varieties
If you are interested, the Kammaeleon incense cones are offered in 10 pieces, 35 pieces in a glass, or 100 pieces in a glass

Preparation: Find a quiet place where you want to light the incense cones. Make sure the area is well ventilated.

Light the incense cone: Light the incense cone at the tip and let it burn for a few seconds. Then blow out the flame so that the cone smokes.

Incense the room: Carefully walk around the room and spread the smoke from the burning incense cone. Concentrate on the corners and rooms that you want to energetically cleanse or fill with a calming atmosphere.

Affirmations or Prayers: While smudging the space, you can say positive affirmations, prayers, or intentions to reinforce your intention.

Safety: Make sure the incense cone is securely placed on a fireproof surface or in an incense burner. Keep burning incense cones out of the reach of children and pets and extinguish them completely when you leave the room.

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